Poetry Out Loud

Poetry Out Loud (POL) encourages students to learn about great poetry through memorization and recitation. This program helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about literary heritage and contemporary life.

Poetry Out Loud is a national program, offered through a partnership between the NEA and the Poetry Foundation in all fifty states, and administered by state arts agencies. For schools, teachers and students, POL is completely free, at every stage.

MCPA serves as the Northwest Ohio Regional Partner for Poetry Out Loud. For more information on the progam, please email education@mcpa.org.


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May 1, 2025|Thursday


Mainstage Series

Mainstage Series Sponsored by Blanchard Valley Health System & Marathon Petroleum Corporation | Show Sponsored by Fresh Encounters, Inc. | Supporting Sponsors Hutchison Fine Furniture & Design and Spectrum Eye Care

Donnell Theater, MCPA
Event Starts 7:30 PM