Barbaro’s musical vision explores their collective life experiences through intricate instrumentation, creatively bending traditional music into a style that is all their own. The Minneapolis-Winona-based rising stars have created their eclectic sound through original songwriting craft, with inspiration derived from bluegrass, jazz and chamber music. Their new album, Dressed in Roses, released January 2020, “Stands as a true testament to their musical identity and the sound that has launched one of the Midwest’s most in-demand acoustic acts.”
In 2018, the band released their first EP and claimed two contest wins, at the John Hartford Memorial Festival Band Contest and MBOTMA’s Americana Roots Band Contest. In 2020, Barbaro released the full-length debut album, Dressed in Roses, which received national recognition. They were Official Showcase Artists for IBMA World of Bluegrass and Folk Alliance International. In 2021, Barbaro was recognized as Official Showcase Artists for IBMA World of Bluegrass and Americanafest. During this time they also released an EP of cover songs to support a Minneapolis nonprofit. Barbaro has performed or slated to perform in 2022 at premier music festivals including Blue Ox Music Festival, MerleFest, Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival, Strawberry Music Festival, Charm City Bluegrass Festival, John Hartford Memorial Festival, and Boats & Bluegrass.