TCT On Tour: A Division of the Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati presents

Harriet Tubman: Straight Up Outta’ The Underground

Spark Series

TCT On Tour: A Division of the Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati presents

Harriet Tubman: Straight Up Outta’ The Underground

Spark Series
Event Details

Bring the past to the present and change the future with this one-woman interactive storytelling experience. Uncover the truth about America’s 200-year-old struggle with slavery when you play a part in this historic retelling. On this journey, you’ll follow Harriet Tubman, the most recognized conductor of the Underground Railroad. Nicknamed “Moses,” Harriet Tubman lived up to her name by gaining her own freedom, as well as traveling back and forth from North to South over 19 times and freeing over 300 slaves!

Approximate Running Time: 45 Minutes
Recommended Ages: Grades 3-8

Curriculum Connections

  • History
  • Storytelling

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